2018 Spring & Summer-29th Spin Expo
編者 / Tiara  撮影者 / Michael  2017-03-17

It’s the first time AA GLOBAL take part in exhibit at spring &summer spin expo. AAGLOBAL spend a lot of time on preparation. Showing our

most neoteric and creative yarn in front of customers’ eyes.

The exhibition follow the style of last fall & winter, the whole wall is used. Customer can recognize AAGLOBAL, when they see it.

On the other side, we use window concept to display the main hue of our spring & summer, which attract the customer attention and encourage

them want to realize our yarns.

Geometrical element is fully displayed in our booth.


Parlor is decorated with handmade swatches by AAGLOABL designers, which bring more inspiration for our customer.



After exhibition, the group picture displays the success of the show.